Saturday, January 7, 2017

"Republicans in the US believe Putin, not democrats"

One of the most famous Russian lawmakers accused the administration "Obama" that is undermining American democracy, adding that Republicans have more confidence in Russian President Vladimir Putin than to Democrats.

Comments Alexey Pushkov, made through a series of messages on "Twitter", coming within US intelligence report that blames Russia and its leader for the cyber attack on the US elections.

MP Pushkov, former chairman of the committee on foreign relations, said that the democratic process in the US is not threatened by Russia, but undermined by the administration, "Obama" and the media who support Hillary Clinton.

According to Pushkov, the threat of democracy is the US itself. He added that the US accuses Putin of bad reports, while it was Obama who took diplomatic measures by expelling Russian diplomats insulation.

Pushkov also attacked the US intelligence report, saying that it is as safe as a 2003 report saying that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

In a message, most recently in "Twitter", Alexey Pushkov wrote that Republicans have more confidence to Putin than to Democrats, something that according to him despite having surprised Obama is deserving of Democrats and is the result of the presidency, "Obama" .


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