Thursday, January 5, 2017

Ice diving, swimming Chinese tradition of winter: It is good for health

Temperatures below zero and deepening Siberian natives did not deter tourists or adventurers from diving into the icy waters of the northern Chinese city of Harbin.

About 400 enthusiasts from 34 groups of Chinese and foreign amateurs frost challenged to participate in a competition held in one of the coldest cities in the country.

Winter swimming, as it is known in China, is enjoyed throughout the north of the country, especially from the middle ages and even broken ones, who believe that health is good.

"I come from the nearby city of Dakini, where there is no running water. Filled with energy when swimming in the water flowing. I'm very excited, I feel great, "said Yu Dongbo, 51.

"Winter swimming is a challenge. This activity increases self-confidence that we can overcome any difficulty. And no wonder that the number of winter swimmers is increasing. Humor helps above all to strengthen the body, "said Ao Neng, 53.

Swimming race is part of the annual festival of ice and snow in Harbin, which opened on January 5 and lasts until February 25.


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