Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Rain of meteors, celestial spectacle on January 3 to 4

If he loses New Year fireworks has no reason to grieve. Mother Nature will give you another chance this week to launch the 2017 Ten celestial spectacle thanks to a rain of meteors known .

In January of this year we will be able to enjoy some of it not so well known phenomenon.

The new moon in the early hours of 3 and 4 January will offer favorable conditions of sight, when an average of 120 meteors per hour are expected to illuminate the night sky.

This year Alaska and Hawaii will be the countries from where the shower of meteors can be observed more clearly, where fortunate will be able to see how some times within a minute the sky will  of meteors bright to be a moment before fading.

Kuadrantida, happens every year in early January and is considered one of the most powerful streams of meteors.


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