![Rilindja ushtarake japoneze, nën sloganin e “vetëmbrojtjes”](https://top-channel.tv/foto/lajme/1481104212Flag_of_the_Japan_Self-Defense_Forces.jpg)
Fully 75 years after Japan conducted a maritime devastating attacks in the history of the United States in "Pearl Harbor", the land of "Samurai" has become again one of the greatest military powers in the world.
Japanese military Renaissance comes despite the constitutional requirement imposed by the US after World War II, the country could only protective force.
In fact, many experts say that precisely this limitation defense helped the Japanese army becomes much stronger than would have been without it.
Military analysts say that the term "protective force" is just a publicity slogan, because Japan can worthily s face any army in the world. And this force has reached only a fraction of the military budget to other powers.
There is no doubt that the Japanese military reinforcement comes as a result of the changing security dynamics in the region, but also due to the President-elect of the US, which is likely to recast the geopolitical map.
Japanese navy, which also has the designation "defense force" is counted as one of the 5 best in the world, but also the rest of the armed forces does not remain behind. Certainly close cooperation with America has its own merit, but obviously the driving force behind this renaissance Japanese military's ability shines in every field.
Experts say that teamwork and shared commitment is a character trait that comes naturally Japanese, while in the US or other countries individuals are encouraged to flashy style "Top Gun".
Although not known for the production of military equipment, Japan has an amazing ability to improve the technology of other countries. Although not expected by anyone, Japan to open fire first, the complexity of the situation in the region has made the army capable a necessity and every rival should be well thought before you start an armed conflict on the island of "samurai" where barely legal rods can remove combat secular heritage.
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