Thursday, December 22, 2016

Trump down Obama: America to expand and strengthen the nuclear arsenal

US President-elect Donald Trump wrote this Thursday via "Twitter" operation that the United States should expand their nuclear arsenals, in what seems like a sudden twist of decades of country strategy to reduce nuclear weapons States.

"The United States should significantly strengthen and further enhance its nuclear capability, until the world realize truly say that any nuclear weapons," wrote Trump.

His predecessor, outgoing President Barack Obama has cut US nuclear arsenal, thanks to an agreement reached during the first term of his presidency with Russia also pledged to modernize it to replace thousands of bombs and missiles.

His plan of modernization, which according to the Association for the Control Arms will cost almost $ 1 trillion for a period of 30 years, has been heavily criticized by supporters , who warn that it could spark a new arms race with Russia and China.

"Lockheed Martin Corp.", "Boeing Co." and "Northrop Grumman Corp." are in a competition between them for the construction of ballistic missiles of the new generation, mainly for "Air Force", a project expected to cost at least 85 billion dollars. This is only a part of the modernization plan, which will contribute to the defense what analysts call a spending surge in the coming decades for weaponry with which to face future presidents.


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