Tuesday, December 20, 2016

10 "secrets" of Christmas

Origin of Christmas, from the moment it began to be celebrated the birth of baby Jesus and until today, there are many unknowns.

Christmas was celebrated for the first time on December 25 of 354 p.l.k., while it placed Pope Liberius. He chose this day because it was the day of the Roman celebrations of the day's sun, which falls four days after the winter solstice.

The Bible does not specify never that when Jesus was born. It is believed that he was born between year 7 and 2 before the new era. In the fourth century, the Catholic Church decided to compute the birthday of Jesus feast of December 25.

In 1886, the United States became the recipient of the largest gift in the Christmas story, when France gave the Statue of Liberty, our 225 and 46.5 meters high.

According to studies conducted by social network Facebook two weeks before Christmas are more familiar time of year when most couples split. As the day of Christmas, on the other hand is less separation day in a year.

In 1644, Christmas was declared illegal by an act of the British Parliament because they were associated with entertainment and drunkenness. This act brought more conflict and when Puritans fled to the New World brought Christmas tradition there. For two decades in the 17th century, Christmas was banned in America, but then in 1870 it was declared a federal holiday.

Every year since 1947, Oslo sends a Christmas tree in London to express gratitude to the UK for the help given in World War II.

Santa Klaus back as a priest called St. Nicholas, who was born around the year 270 in a small Turkish village in Patara. He was generous to the poor and the various legends have made it known in many world cultures.

Strange tree
Initially used in a department shops to increase space, customers liked the idea and decided to make their own Christmas tree turned upside down. Even in the 12th century, Europeans hang Christmas trees to represent the Holy Trinity.

World War Two
Each year, the year-end holiday season begins too early in malls. However, during World War II season began much earlier than usual, because the family wanted to buy gifts for the soldiers quickly in order to arrive at the right time.

On the morning of December 25, 1914, German soldiers in front of the West emerged from their shelter and allied troops approached, wishing "Merry Christmas" in English. Then they shared their cigarettes and played a football game.

Credit for the celebration of Christmas fir tree decorated have Christian Germans of the 16th century, who first practiced. Martin Luther, according to accounts of the time it was he who urged people to spruce decorated with candles. This idea one night when he saw the stars shine through the tree.


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