Tuesday, December 6, 2016

3 days without bread to "reset" the body

The main schools of nutritionists criticized as unhealthy diets that advise food ban for hours, and in some cases for days, but it seems that they are wrong.

At least in this study it reached a conclusion of scientists at the University of Southern California. According to them, avoidance of food for three days, our body activates the production of white blood cells, which are our first shield of protection against various infections.

The study's authors say this finding could be useful especially for people with compromised immune systems, as an example here bring cancer patients who have undergone chemotherapy.

"The hunger strike 'oblige' stem cells to produce new white beads, so virtually all renew our immune system and not only. Another good news is that during this period the organization has discarded parts of our immune system that may have been damaged, "said Valter Longo, professor of Science of Biology at the University of California bankruptcy and leader of the study in question.

Group of scientists advise that the hunger strike to regenerate the immune system held from two to four days every six months.


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