Saturday, December 10, 2016

False news, Clinton, with real consequences epidemic

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic candidate who lost the presidential race, called for urgent action to stop the spread of false news.

According to Clinton, this negative phenomenon is an epidemic with consequences in the real world that threatens American democracy. She urged the public and private sectors to fight against false reports, propaganda and malicious stories that are spread over the last year.

Clinton himself has been the target of false news, including what is known by the nickname "Pizzagate". Under this false news during the election campaign, senior officials of the Democratic Party ran a pedophile ring from a pizzeria in Washington.

Last Sunday, one person was arrested after opening fire at the restaurant where he had gone to investigate the news themselves. Clinton said it is clear that these false news have real consequences and endanger lives.

She spoke during a ceremony for the outgoing Senate leader Harry Reid, and joked that it was this speech that he hoped to hold in Congress after the election.


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