Saturday, December 10, 2016

Russia, Putin invests 30 million dollars in the sport's favorite daughter

Russia is building a huge complex of 30 million dollars for "Rock'n'Roll" -in acrobatic, an indoor sports halls and warm, which President Vladimir Putin's daughter shines as a dancer, and there is also a role important for its further development.

Center "Zhavoronki" of the sport will be built in the western suburbs of Moscow, at a cost of 1.9 billion rubles, according to documents a tender state also available "online", but revised by the news agency "Reuters" that will It is fully funded by the local government.

It will be the only area in the world specializing in this type of sport by the governing body of the World Confederation of Rock'n'Rollit (WRRC). Money spent here seems to be left behind other sports biggest in Russia, it is arch or biathlon (skiing combined with rifle-shot).

Complex built under the jurisdiction of the dance school and state sports "Khamovniki" Moscow, where Katerina Tikhonova, identified by "Reuters" last year as the youngest daughter of Putin, is trained in acrobatic Rock'n'Rollin, the under the name of which he has competed several times until 2014.

30-year-old is a high-class dancers in this sport as well as vice "WRRC", but also holds a high post in the national Sports Federation, headed by its International Committee and the Committee on Regional Development. Her former dance coach is now in charge of the school "Khamovniki".

"Reuters", however, notes that there is evidence that the Kremlin or Tikhonova have had any impact on the decision of the local government of Moscow to build this complex. Putin's own daughter is not answered repeated requests for comment about its role in the project or in these costs, while Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that "this issue has nothing to do with us."


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